Pescadores, 2016
The human figure and the language of its body movements as well as its facial expressions have always inspired me. They convey emotions and suggest narratives.
As an intense observer of the world that surrounds me, I am always attentive to visually spot motives that may stimulate me to draw. This is my life, a natural flow between observation and reflection.
I extract the essence of the image and interpret it in a personal way. By adopting a certain level of abstraction, I can synthesize form, emphasize composition and movement originally using rectilinear and geometric shapes.
As a graduated architect, I discuss the relation between the human figure and space. I create tensions between the human existence and the description of the environment where they are.
From my own experience, I seek for the visual force of painting to involve the spectator’s eyes and offer them the opportunity to project their own interpretation.
Eduardo sampaio
Eduardo Sampaio searches the human image and its relation within the space. His arts reveals the body expression persuaded by the enviroment where it is inserted. In this way, he creates tales that inquire his lifestyle in the space invented by him. He adopts a level of abstraction that allows it to simplify the form, emphasizing movement and composition.
He extracts the soul of his experiences, and share it as an opportunity for the other to make their own interpretation.
He was born in 1982 in São Paulo and since his childhood he has had a deep relationship with drawing. In 2007 he graduated as an architect at Faculdade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. He has attended many drawing lessons including the studio of José Paulo Latorre who is a teahcer of the university Centre of the Fine Art of São Paulo.
In 2015 he moved to Paris to study painting and to expand his artistitc carrer abroad. There, he has joined many collective expositions. In 2022, he had his first individual exposition at Le Pavé d’Orsay, in honor of Modern Art Week Centenary.
Nowadays he lives and work in Montreuil, França.

2019 /
2012 /
Online course "From Production to the Exposition" taught by professor Sérgio Fingermann.
Live model drawing course at the Conservatoir de Dessin et Peinture de Paris,
Paris, França.
Live model drawing course at the Ateliê Maison Ouverte in
Montreuil, França.
Painting course taught by professor Antonio Ros Blasco, at the Ateliers des Beaux-Arts de la Mairie de Paris,
Paris, França.
Fine art course at Professor José Paulo Latorre’s atelier, at the University Centre of Fine Arts,
São Paulo, Brasil.
Painting course: practice and reflection, from professor Paulo Pasta, at the Instituto Tomie Ohtake,
São Paulo, Brasil.
Curso do Dalton in artisitc drawing,
São Paulo, Brasil.
Artisitc drawing course taught by professor Edith Derdyk, at the Institiuto Tomie Ohtake,
São Paulo, Brasil.
Graduated Architect and Urbanist from the Presbiterian Mackenzie University, São Paulo, Brasil.
curriculum vitae

Participation of the exposition Vibrations at Agapé Hub, Paris, França.
Participation of the exposition L’Avent et le Présent na Agapé Hub, Paris, França.
Participation of the exposition l’Escale na Agapé Hub, Paris, França.
Participation of the 23ème Portes Ouvertes des Ateliers d’atistes de Montreuil.
Participação no 22ème Portes Ouvertes des Ateliers d’atistes de Montreuil.
Briller, at the Galerie Espace Tessalonia, Paris, France.
Participation of the 21ème Portes Ouvertes des Ateliers d’atistes de Montreuil.
Ramures, at the Galerie Espace Tessalonia, Paris, France.
Participation of the 20ème Portes Ouvertes des Ateliers d’atistes de Montreuil.
Sola Scriptura, at the Galerie Nesle, Paris, France.
Participation of the 19ème Portes Ouvertes des Ateliers d’atistes de Montreuil.
In Visible, na Eglise Protestante Un Coeur Pour Paris, Paris, France.
La Beauté d’Un Tout, na Galerie de Nesle, Paris, França. Quand le temps ne sera plus..., na Eglise Protestante Un Coeur Pour Paris, Paris, França.
L’avocat dans tous ses états, no Atelier Trazo Libre, em Paris, França.
Suffle de Liberté, at the Galerie Nesle, Paris, France.
First Painting Show, at the Galeria Espaço Paulista de Arte, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

" Racines" Solo expotion in honor to the 100th aniversary of "Semana da Arte Moderna 1922" in Pavé D orsay Paris, France
Atelier exposition at 24 Rue de la Renardière, Montreuil, France.
Contrepoint at the La Station Services restaurant, Montreuil, France.

Anete Fernandes: study of Two Men Sitting at the Corner, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Arnaldo Barroso and Regina Barroso: colour study of Sexteto, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Celina Aquino: Samba Circle, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Fabio de Toledo Piza and Angélica de Toledo Piza: Sexteto, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Fabio Ribeiro Souza: light study of Sexteto, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Hugo Garcia: A Black Man’s Face and Football, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Isabela Nucci: Jazz Singer, Vila Velha, Brazil.
Luis Augusto Mortari: Jimi Hendrix, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Marco Di Pace: Genésio and a Pensive Man, Sao José do Rio Preto, Brazil.
Marina Reis dos Santos: Abstrato Geométrico II, Loro Ciffenna, Italia.
Patrícia Araújo: Feira I, Santana do Parnaíba, Brazil.
Ricardo Sampaio and Janaina Rocha Sampaio: The Guitarist and a Corner Bar II, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Ricardo Rastelli: study of Nightly Night, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Ricardo Baddini and Patrícia Lima: Roda de Samba, Cabeça 1 e 2, São Paulo, Brasil.
Selma Di Pace Souza Sampaio: Woman on her Back, Sao José do Rio Preto, Brazil.
Simone Di Loreto: Geometric Abstract I, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Tiago Nucci: draw, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Ricardo Fernandes Gallery: No Title I, 2017, Paris, France.